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Chasing bin Laden

Read the award-winning memoir that hit #1 in true crime biographies.

A secret truth:

On the early morning of August 16, 2006, Osama bin Laden was arrested in Brooklyn by the New York FBI Terrorism Task Force.

They were acting on a tip called in by Barbara Janik.

Janik tells her story:

Chasing bin Laden takes readers along with Janik on an emotional journey through the hidden world of lay investigations, which is charged with high-stakes puzzle solving, Arabic message boards, and anxiety-provoking collaborations with the FBI.

A Pulitzer prize-winning journalist backs her up!

In The Killing of Osama bin Laden, Seymour Hersh states that “bin Laden was a prisoner of the ISI [Pakistani intelligence] at the Abbottabad compound since 2006…”

What does this mean?

Janik’s memoir tells the story of how, when, and where Osama bin Laden was arrested. He was likely transferred in 2006 from the United States to the compound in Pakistan, where he remained until the 2011 raid.

But how does Janik know this stuff?

Janik, who is a historian, computer expert, and former adjunct professor, is a master at research and “Google-fu”. She worked with the FBI. The truth of the arrest was revealed to her by the FBI through a series of cloak-and-dagger phone conversations.

Yet, can she prove she isn’t making this up?

On her website, Janik has uploaded phone records and emails showing the times and content of her conversations with the FBI. There is also a PDF of message board conversations from early 2007.

She’s been telling the same story since 2006.

Want to know more?

 Click “Get the Book”. You won’t regret it.

Join Barbara Janik on an emotional journey through the hidden world of lay investigations.

Fueling My 42-Hour Marathon Hunt for Osama bin Laden

cans of Diet Mountain Dew
cups of Folgers original coffee with non-dairy creamer drank in my TARDIS coffee mug
cups of coffee drank cold after I forgot about them
Little Debbie honey buns
Snickers bars
large hand tossed double-pepperoni pizzas from Dominos
large (44oz) chocolate milkshakes from Whataburger

Anxiety-Provoking FBI Collaborations

Gain a powerful window into the inner workings of the FBI—including how its agents interact with lay investigators.

Emotional, High-Stakes Puzzle Solving

Test your detective skills alongside an author with a meticulously honed method for hunting top terrorists online.

Cryptic Arabic Message Boards

Join Barbara on her exploration of online message boards, riddled with both endless intrigue and critical clues.